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Cultural Intelligence and Linguistic Diversity in Artificial Intelligent Systems: A framework


Artificial Intelligence (AI) intersects with linguistic and cultural diversity in the modern period. This intersection poses challenges. Simultaneously, it offers opportunities. AI can bridge cultural divides and promotes global comprehension. In response to this dynamic intersection, a framework for Cultural Intelligence and Linguistic Diversity in AI has been proposed. This framework attempts to guide the development, deployment, and evaluation of AI systems that are both culturally aware and linguistically diverse, through the articulation of five core pillars: Cultural and Linguistic Representation in AI Development, Ethical and Bias-Considerate AI, AI for Cultural Exchange and Understanding, Inclusive and Accessible AI Technologies, and Global Collaboration and Governance in AI. Each pillar includes specific objectives and action points designed to integrate diverse cultural and linguistic inputs into AI development processes, develop ethical AI technologies that consider cultural and linguistic biases, leverage AI for cultural exchange, ensure AI technologies are accessible and inclusive, and promote global collaboration and governance frameworks that respect linguistic and cultural diversity. The implementation strategy emphasizes collaboration, community engagement, and education and awareness, while the evaluation and adaptation phase focus on monitoring the impact of AI on cultural and linguistic diversity and using feedback for continuous improvement. The proposed framework aims to establish a basis for creating AI technologies that are not only technologically advanced but also culturally informed and linguistically diverse for contributing to the global understanding and cooperation.


Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Inclusivity, Linguistic Diversity, Technological Development


Author Biography

Valeria García



Prativa Pant Mishra