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Exploring the Perceptions, Influences, and Sociodemographic Determinants of Sustainable Fashion among Consumers in Colombia


This study endeavours to assess the attitudes of Colombian society towards sustainable fashion. Our analysis is founded on relevant data from sources in Colombia. We have examined ten Likert-type variables related to consumer attitudes regarding sustainable fashion. Initially, we developed a scale to measure attitudes towards sustainable fashion, followed by an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to explore the underlying structure of these variables. Subsequently, a linear regression analysis was conducted to answer the question of which variables contribute to the commitment to sustainable fashion in Colombia. Notably, our findings indicate that positive attitudes towards sustainable fashion are predominantly reinforced by heightened awareness of environmental issues and a general sensitivity to environmental protection, while they are significantly undermined by economic constraints, particularly financial difficulties in meeting financial obligations. Additionally, obtaining information about environmental conservation from various sources, such as traditional media and online platforms, enhances support for transitioning towards a more environmentally conscious textile industry. The study also acknowledges its limitations, including the gap between attitudes and actual behaviours.


Ethical fashion, Colombia, attitudes, factor analysis, sustainable fashion, regression